Department of Industrial DesignINDUSTRIAL DESIGN
Concerned with functional, aesthetic, social, economical, cultural and technical aspects of machine-made products and services, industrial designers are the professionals designing and analyzing these products and their impact on society and nature. Industrial designers deal with the qualitative, quantitative, methodological and identity aspects of products and services. Major areas of industrial design include electrical-electronic products, furniture, housewares, home and/or office appliances, IT products and services, musical instruments, medical devices, tools, human interfaces, and recreational equipment. The Department of Industrial Design at the Izmir University of Economics offers a Bachelors of Design in Industrial Design degree in either Industrial Product Design or Design Management. After two years of study at the department, students choose either Industrial Product Design or Design Management options for their third and fourth years of specialization. While being introduced to the cultural, historical and methodological aspects of the profession, students also experience the fundamental tools of designing like computers, machinery and tools, as well as presentation and research techniques.
Product Design Specialization Area:
The Product Design Specialization Area mainly focuses on the practice of designing, covering design issues like design engineering, advanced product development, service design, user-centered design, ecological design, and the latest technologies in executing industrial designs execution.
Design Management Specialization Area:
The Design Management Specialization Area explores the economical and business related issues of industrial design by providing expertise and experience in both worlds of business making and design practice in industrial contexts. Marketing, economics, strategic and financial planning, entrepreneurship, and the costs and benefits of designing are the core issues of this area.
Both specialization areas work with actual product design and design management problems of local, national and even global design related industrial institutions. Students develop hands-on experience in designing and design management by building professional relations even while they are studying. Visiting lecturers, seminars, trips, visiting professionals, laboratories, studios and model workshops provide students a continuous interactive education and a development atmosphere within the department.
Asst. Prof. Dr. A. Can ÖZCAN
Department Head

International Success with ‘Octopresso’
Irmak Koluman, a student from Department of Industrial Design, Izmir University of Economics (IUE), has been awarded at the international ...

‘Registered’ success
Izmir University of Econmics (IUE) Department of Industrial Design has added another success to its achievements by receiving full accreditation ...

Jewelry designs brought awards
İbrahim Burak Ünal, a student in the Department of Industrial Design, Izmir University of Economics (IUE) won second place with ...

Izu Peninsula project of IUE students
Invited by Shizuoka University of Art and Culture in Japan, 8 students from the Department of Industrial Design of Izmir ...

A ‘robot’ friend for the elderly
Onur Okutur (24), a graduate of Izmir University of Economics (IUE) Department of Industrial Design, has designed a robot named ...

'Respect for History' award for renovation of a 150-year-old mansion
Dr. Elif Kocabıyık Savasta, Lecturer at Izmir University of Economics (IUE) Department of Industrial Design, and her husband Dr. Daniele ...

Artichoke inspired the ‘packaging’ industry
Alara Ertenü (21), student at Izmir University of Economics (IUE), Department of Industrial Design, produced bio-packaging using artichoke leaves and ...

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